Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire日本語版(MHQ-J)
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Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ) ―University of Michigan
T Imaeda et al., Validation of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand Version of the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH-JSSH) Questionnaire. J Orthop Sci 10(4):353-359, 2005
T Imaeda et al., Validation of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand Version of the Quick Disability of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand(QuickDASH-JSSH) Questionnaire. J Orthop Sci 11(3): 248-253, 2006.
T. Imaeda, S. Uchiyama, S. Toh, et al.,Validation of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand version of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Instrument. J Orthop Sci 12(1): 14-21, 2007.
S. Uchiyama, T. Imaeda, S. Toh, et al., Comparison of Responsiveness of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand version of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Instrument to Surgical Treatment with DASH, SF-36, and Physical Fi ndings. J Orthop Sci 12(3): 249-253, 2007.
Imaeda T, Uchiyama S, Wada T, Okinaga S, Sawaizumi T, Omokawa S, Momose T, Moritomo H, Gotani H, Abe Y, Nishida J, Kanaya F; Clinical Outcomes Committee of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association and the Functional Evaluation Committee of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand. Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the Japanese version of the Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation. J Orthop Sci. 2010 Jul;15(4):509-17.
Omokawa S, Imaeda T, Sawaizumi T, Momose T, Gotani H, Abe Y, Moritomo H, Kanaya F.
Responsiveness of the Japanese version of the patient-rated wrist evaluation (PRWE-J) and physical impairment measurements in evaluating recovery after treatment of ulnocarpal abutment syndrome. Responsiveness of the Japanese version of the patient-rated wrist evaluation (PRWE-J) and physical impairment measurements in evaluating recovery after treatment of ulnocarpal abutment syndrome.J Orthop Sci. 2012 Sep;17(5):551-5.
Oda T, Abe Y, Katsumi Y, Ohi H, Nakamura T, Inagaki K.
Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire: A Comparison with the DASH and SF-36 Questionnaires.
J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2016 Feb;21(1):72-7.